Monday, December 9, 2013



This is a map from the website in need of a lot of help.
Figure Ground: There is little figure ground here to speak of, so it is hard to critique this map on this point. However, choosing the cream color for the blank area in the top right draws attention. I believe the map maker was intending to do the opposite.
Legibility: This map is almost completely illegible. There are no words or figures to help you understans what any symbols mean.
Clarity: Coinciding with legibility in this case, the map symbols other than the hospital symbol mean nothing to me. All of the brown symbols in the middle of the map are completely foreign as well. Their is no legend, no title, no north arrow, and no scale. Completely unclear to say the least.
Balance: The map would probably be in an appropriate place if some of the unimportant residual area had been filled with a legend and clarifying information. Without it, the map is relatively unbalanced.
Visual Hierarchy: The brown symbols. the blue water area, the empty tan area, and the pink area are what draw your attention. Two of these four or probably the least important elements of the map. The others maybe important, but I have no idea what they are.

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