Monday, December 9, 2013


This is a great map from the NY Times portraying ethnic neighborhoods in New York City.
Figure Ground: While I think the map may have been helped by a very light background color. The figure ground is still very clear and helpful for the map.
Legibility: Font choices make this map very readable. Capitalization for the five boroughs help identify them from the more focused neighborhood divisions.
Clarity: I think clarifying material attached to this map is very helpful. The lack of a title detracts from the clarity. However, as this was probably part of an article, it was most likely clear from the rest of the article.What the different colors represent is also very clear. Also, smaller populations have. There is no north arrow as well. Scale is also missing.
Balance: This map is centered perfectly. Staten Island seems a little detatched but the strength of activity in the main portion of New York justifies it.
Visual Hierarchy: By using a lighter color for the often predominant white population, it draw attention to the other ethnic populations probably of more interest. Also, the use of stronger colors for smaller populations make sure they are not lost in the larger hispanic, black, and white populations.

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