Wednesday, December 4, 2013



Using ArcMap, build maps of South America using specified projections. Export these maps to Adobe Illustrator. Build a Poster with all of the projection systems on it. Include the latitude of origin and standard parallel where applicable. Specify what each projection is best at mapping. Include paragraphs introducing readers to the difficulties in mapping from 3-D to 2-D.

Methods follow the instructions above.

Maps were built in ArcMap and exported as Ai files to Adobe Illustrator.

The main difficulty for me was maintaining the same point in ArcMap before transferring over to Adobe Illustrator. Many of my original transfers needed to be redone because I had adjusted the map improperly before transferring.

The color scheme was very important with so many maps lowered over one another. I had to tweak the colors many times. For instance I had to make sure to include more noticeable colors in the most muddled areas. Conversely, I chose lighter colors for the more easy to distinguish areas.I also adjusted the transparencies of each map color to help identify each color in the muddled areas.

Because of my inexperience, establishing a well-ordered legend was difficult. I finally learned to group the different pieces together to make sure they were all even with each other. There was so much change becuase of the SP's and LO's that it was hard to standardize. The many individual pieces made it difficult to move in a time-efficient manner.

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