Wednesday, December 4, 2013



Use ArcMap to obtain an aerial image of my hometown. Arrange the image in ArcMap's layout view and export it to Adobe Illustrator. Use pen, shape, and text tools to trace the desired parts of the aerial image. The map must include an appropriate number of streets, and all applicable elements of my town.
The initial methods follow the specified instructions.

I learned very quickly that a large amount of data points are needed after zooming very close in order to replicate the curvatures of rivers and streets.

Making determinations about important features to include in a relatively large town was difficult at first. I had to ask, "what areas would I want a visitor to be able to locate the most?"

I had to adjust the label locations and sizes many times as I realized certains streets would need to be included in my map. The more time I spent on the map, the more streets I felt were necessary to provide a good idea on how to navigate around to the different features I had included.

I finally decided to leave out the islands located on the Chippewa River as they were not integral to the purpose of the map.

I realize now I failed to include a label for Riverview Park.

It was important to consider the direction of labels for roads and water bodies to maintain consistency.

Some amount of cartographic generalization ws required in the congested area around the The Chippewa Valley Technical College, and UWEC.

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