Monday, December 9, 2013


Here is a map of pedestrian walking routes in Washington D.C. produced by the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. This map is simple, effective and clear with some details that do not contribute to the map.
Figure Ground: This map has very little figure ground to speak of. However, I do not feel that it detreacts from the map in any way.
Legibility: This map is very easy to read. A sans serif font is used and all labels are very clear. All text patterns are consistent (South to North and East to West).
Clarity: The major points of emphasis, the walking routes, are very clear. However, the yellow and grey colors in the background seem aribitrary. If they are not, no explanation is given about the meaning of these colors. Some clearer indication of what "RFK" is, for those who may not know, could be in order.
Balance: It seems like this map could very easily have been centered. It is top-left heavy as is. The large gaps in the bottom-left and right corners could have been eliminated by better centering the map.
Visual Hierarchy: The pedestrian walking routes are clearly the points of emphasis based on the visual presentation of the map. Further attention is drawn to the parade route which is probably the focus of the pedestrians.

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