Wednesday, December 4, 2013



Using a given file of data, calculate class breaks and build two maps showing absolute number of persons reporting American ancestry (using quintile and equal interval classifications), and two maps showing percentage of all persons reporting American ancestry using the same classifications as  for absolute numbers. Include a short paragraph about the ethics involved in selecting classifications for data.
All four maps were made in ArcGIS by coying the original data given.
Using Color Brewer, I selected two single-hue color schemes for my data.
Using the database, I calculated class breaks using the formulas for Equal Interval and Quintile classifications.
I found this map to be the most straight-forward and did not encounter as many challenges.
I have since learned that is typical to arrange legends from smallest to largest and will incorporate that in future maps.
It was very painstaking to locate each quantity based on a reference map of North Carolina counties.
I found it necessary to do a count on my final classification when applying the color scheme to it in order to make sure I had not missed any counties from previous classifications.
It was also important to make sure that individual counties did not get accidentally moved while applying colors to them.

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